Monday, April 6, 2009

An announcement day

It's a special day today.
It's a memorable day today.
Something happened.
Some announcement made.
Good or bad?
God knows.

The whole process happened so fast.
Mentally prepared doesn't seem to work.

It's like on the day of STPM/SPM result released.
A lot of different faces in the school.
Some knew and some still waiting for the result.
When everyone got their slip,
their future are remain unclear.
Is it best for sure?
Or the other way round?
God knows.

Wish me luck.


aL said...

there are good and bad things happening around us,when we meet obstacles,we might feel depressed but remember,never give up hope!!
山重水复疑无路 柳暗花明又一村,i believe in this,i undergo this situation b4..
my dear ah 3,gambateh!!
wish lucky things can happen to u!!
best of luck!!

~AmK~ said...

haha.. never thought that you are the first one to leave comment here.. no need to study ar?? hahaha...

thx... I understand that. I'll ganbatte.
Please continue to wish me luck and pray for me.. a lot a lot of gods ya.. hehe... ;)

shiauthing said...

u have my best wishes :)

~AmK~ said...

thanks princess..

薇薇 said...

jia you!
i think the better things are coming on your way. 塞翁失马焉知非福?

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear this..

"every change makes room for improvement"
Think you read this from me b4, I still believing and holding it tight, very tight indeed.

Jiayou~ :)

Keep Faith,

Miharu said...

Aimei-san, ganbatte.
Hang on and pull through it.
Every cloud has a silver lining :)

ChoonShih said...

Who knows how does it turn out to be? Good luck!

Anonymous said...

good luck and all the best ya...


aL said...

i sure will pray for u!!
best of luck ya!!!!!

Ying Ying 盈盈 said...

AM,we always said 危机危机。Actually 危险always come with 机会。You will be doing great!

Copyright 2009 ~AmK~