It's already 140am and i still staying awake. Not only me but my housemates as well. All of us are facing our own PC now.
I am so tired but still cannot rest. Hair still a bit wet.
Sometimes I wondered, why do I need to be so tired. No answer.
It is quite sad and depress when one felt tired, but sometimes, I enjoyed the process of the tiredness. Is it so called "Theory of Fanjianism"?
Opps... sorry. I need to tell you what is "Theory of Fanjianism". This theory is something started from my friend in NTU. He is the model of theory. The theory is about human tend to "fan4 jian4". Which means that, even when human know what they are doing is wrong, they will still do it for the sake of some excitement or something else or even nothing.
Example of this theory: emm... can't think of any example now. Maybe I can ask my friend to give examples. He got a lot. ;p;p
生日之旅 - 瑟瑟初冬在巴黎
6 days ago
一位犯贱学的权威曾简单的, 由浅至深的, 方便的, 容易的, 明白的, 肤浅的, 随便的,大便的解释过, 犯贱就是拿贱来犯。
很容易, 对吗?
im not 权威..
Prof. Moh is.
haha.. then u are the 传教者。
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