Saturday, March 31, 2007
我們都老得太快卻聰明得太遲,我的學長去年喪妻。這突如其來的事故,實在叫人難以接受,但是死亡的到來不總是如此。學長說他太太最希望他能送鮮花給他,但是他覺得太浪費,總推說等到下次再買,結果卻是在她死後,用鮮花佈置她的靈堂。 這不是太蠢愚了嗎?!
等到 ....... 、等到 ..... ,似乎我們所有的生命,都用在等待。
人人都很願意犧牲當下,去換取未知的等待;犧牲今生今世的辛苦錢,去購買後世的安逸。 在台灣只要往有山的道路上走一走,就隨處都可看到「農舍」變「精舍」,山坡地變靈塔,無非也是為了等到死後,能圖個保障,不必再受苦。許多人認為必須等到某時或某事完成之後再採取行動。
然而,生活總是一直變動,環境總是不可預知,在現實生活中,各種突發狀況總是層出不窮。身為一個醫生,我所見過的死人,比一般人要來得多。這些人早上醒來時,原本預期過的是另一個平凡無奇的日子,沒想到一個意料之外的事;交通意外、腦溢血、心臟病發作等等。剎那間生命的巨輪傾覆離軌,突然闖進一片黑暗之中。 那麼我們要如何面對生命呢?我們毋需等到生活完美無瑕,也毋需等到一切都平穩,想做什麼,現在就可以開始做起。 一個人永遠也無法預料未來,所以不要延緩想過的生活,不要吝於表達心中的話,因為生命只在一瞬間。如果你的妻子想要紅玫瑰,現在就買來送她,不要等到下次。真誠、坦率的告訴她:「我愛妳」、「妳太好了!」這樣的愛語永不嫌多 如果說不出口,就寫張紙條壓在餐桌上:「你真棒!」 或是「我的生命因你而豐富。」不要吝於表達,好好把握。
記住! 給活人送一朵玫瑰,強過給死人送貴重的花圈
逝者不可追,來者猶未卜,最珍貴、最需要即時掌握的「當下」,往往在這兩者蹉跎間,轉眼錯失。人生短暫飄忽,包得有一首小詩這樣寫: 高天與原地,悠悠人生路; 行行向何方,轉眼即長暮。正是道盡了人生如寄,轉眼即逝的惶恐。有許多事,在你還不懂得珍惜之前已成舊事;有許多人,在你還來不及用心之前已成舊人。遺憾的事一再發生,但過後再追悔早知道如何如何」是沒有用的,「那時候」已經過去,你追念的人也已走過了你的生命。
一句瑞典格言說:「我們老得太快,卻聰明得太遲。」 不管你是否察覺,生命都一直在前進 人生並未售來回票,失去的便永遠不再。將希望寄予「等到方便的時間才享受」 我們不知失去了多少可能的幸福 不要再等待有一天你「可以鬆口氣」,或是「麻煩都過去了」。 生命中大部分的美好事物都是短暫易逝的,享受它們、品嚐它們 ,善待你周圍的每一個人,別把時間浪費在等待所有難題的「完滿結局」上。 找回迷失的生命 死亡也許是免費的 ─ 但是,卻要付出生命的代價。
勸你一句話: 把握當下,莫等待。
Friday, March 30, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
EEE Final Year Students' BIG Day
I have printed out my report at 2pm sth today. It is so fresh and hot. Thanks to Nyok Khiam who helped me to make my graft looks better. 60 pages from cover page till the last page of appendix. I think my report is the least pages report. Hai... what can I do? I really dunno how to add in more things already and a bit lazy somemore. ;p;p
I brought my report to the printing room and wanted to bind it. But, the printing boy told me to collect it an hour later. Oh no... an hour??? ya, it's true. I saw a few stacks of report inside the printing room. Luckily, I still have time. I put my report there for binding and wait at CICS lab. While waiting, I helped Ah Cheong to do his report formatting. Hahaha... He owe me a cup of starbucks coffee. :P:P
An hour later, I went to the printing room to collect my report and straight away chiong to my moderator's room. I passed my report to him and informed him about the change of title. He looked a bit disappointed when I told him that. But, what else can I do? I already changed the title and he already chosed my project. Just pray and hope that he can gao tai gui shou, fang wo yi ma. Hopefully, he wont kill my scores.
Now, the only few things I can do is wait for the demo, study for final exam, prepare for oral presentation and be ready for any job interview. Hope that every tasks I mentioned above can be smooth smooth sharp sharp over.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
A 2007 must watch in cinema movie-300

As mentioned in the title (opps... used to the report writing these few weeks), 300 is really a must watch in cinema movie.
"I have been waiting for a long time to see a good movie and this time has come at last because 300 isn't just a good move it is out breathing, outstanding and everything i can say is little. Firstly I believed that it was just an ordinary Hollywood movie and just like many others It would be good just to pass your time. But I was wrong, because this movie has everything, an excellent story based on the comic 300,fantastic images that travels you in an other world in ancient times, very good cast and a very good music full of emotions." quoted from a website.
I personally like the first wave of the war. The formation of the Spartan is really firm and impressive. (poor english so the adjective not so accurate) With the only 300 warriors, King Leonidas (Gerald Butler) fight with the mens, rhino, elephant and immortal. Cool man.... The scene just before they fight in the shade is really "beautiful".. ;p;p
But, one thing that I learnt from this movie is that the Spartan's shields are really not play play one. No arrows or blades can ever break any of the Spartan's shield. Geng...
P/S: Malaysia 18PL, Singapore M18

Hundreds of men in the pic.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
FYP final report submission countdown
Although I should think more positively that I can have a big release after the submission, but i felt a bit scared cause I think my report still not ready for submission yet. However, I am very slack to improve it and I dunno how can I improve it. This should be the main reason why I am so slack now.
Due to my backward report writing, I printed out all the reference papers I cited in my report today in IHub. All the printing cost me about S$6-10 I think. But bo bian, I need to know what have I cited in my report. Can't imagine how my face will look like if my moderator ask me something that I cited but I know nothing. An advice to everyone, don't follow my footstep, do not ever do backward report writing unless you have no other choice. ;p
All the best to all final year student.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007
FYP report first draft submission
Although this is not the perfect and final one, but at least the born of the first draft is a big release for me. I know there are still a lot to edit and to do, but at least I can have a better rest for tonight after few weeks of late sleep.
I have written a few reports before, but this FYP report is different. After the submission of the reports I wrote in the past, that's it met the end of the story till my results released. I didn't need to really care about how I wrote them and what will the examiner think about my report. But this doesn't apply to FYP report.
After the first draft submission, I still need to edit it for a better one as final report. I need to make sure the report I submitted can prevent me from being asked by moderator some deep deep questions. A demostration is needed to show the moderator what have I actually done for the whole year. Lastly, there is the oral presentation of the project. The most scariest part of the FYP. Some might think that this part just as easy as drinking water, I do hope so.
Actually, this is still not a big problem for final year. The biggest problem is how I want my life to be after graduation. I don't know, I really don't know...
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
到底女性的美貌与智慧是正比的(proportional)还是对比的(inversely propotional)?
友人甲听说有人交了一分十多页的interim report(算蛮多的了)后就一口咬定她是难看的。友人甲不曾看过她,就凭着友人甲的信念--成绩好的女生一定是难看的,就说她一定是难看的。