到底女性的美貌与智慧是正比的(proportional)还是对比的(inversely propotional)?
友人甲听说有人交了一分十多页的interim report(算蛮多的了)后就一口咬定她是难看的。友人甲不曾看过她,就凭着友人甲的信念--成绩好的女生一定是难看的,就说她一定是难看的。
生日之旅 - 瑟瑟初冬在巴黎
6 days ago
donno how u all think, but can name one gal with both,
Pei Yun
外貌和智慧是不能够形成什么方程式的。叫你眼光狭窄的朋友们把眼睛睁大一点,他们难道看透了所有漂亮的女生?还是他们已经认识了所有聪明的女生?sample size 太小是不能被代表整个population的。有没有读过statistic啊!
绝对赞同薇薇和cs。。。btw, cs是一个男学长。
you made me feel lyk i'm standing head and shoulders above them cos i dun play dota.My only interest is my love and also my life - FOOTBAll =)
And yes, good results students oso got pretty one,angkat kaki agree with you for that.
emm, emm... topics during 饭后吹水, means is 吹水 lor....
by the way, am, your 友人甲 mayb use wrong "words" to convey his meaning only... no need ton mind de...
as I said that day (oppssss, like this u all know i'm 1 out of that 3 大男人 lor), 友人甲 really use some words wrongly la...
到底女性的美貌与智慧是正比的(proportional)还是对比的(inversely propotional)?
From statistical point of view, we can define two random viriable 美貌 and 智慧. Using the concept of correlation and regression, there must be a correlation relationship between 2 variable.
Correlation relationship can vary from -1 to +1.
Correlation coefficient of +1 means a perfect proportional relationship between that 2 random variables.
Correlation coefficient of -1 means a perfect inverse proportional relationship between that 2 random variables.
and of coz, 0 means there is no a "defined" relationship between that 2 random variables.
Therefre, accodring to statistic theory, there is a relationship between 美貌 and 智慧 de, but juz depends on what is the relationship.
And for the concept of sampling and population, a population is always represented by a distribution (normal, Khi-square, t-, etc).
For a sample number, n, larger than a certain value, (normally >30), a sampling parameters (such as mean, variance etc) can be relate to a population parameters via certain equation.
Therefore, 友人甲 should find at least 30 samples before you draw your conclusion. And of cos, it's much better if you can include a "confident level" for your statement.
By the way, 吹水 only, aimed for relaxation, dun take it too serious. Not really 批评 anyone.
If 吹水 also need to take care of every single word, then 吹水 for wat wor, so stress~~~
and am,not 性别歧视 la.... u learn before mar, this is call "selective perception". Guys' topics always around girls juz becos of they "selectively" concern about girls only... not 歧视 de...
Emm, mayb u different, since u always see leng lui at canteen B together with me.... hahaha
Happy writing report~
Who say my "tu di" not pretty and smart??? just she don't give mooncake to sifu!
Heard abt this topid few days ago but only came visit here today. Hoho...
First thing first, don take blow water topic too seriously. But I do admit that sometime guys mouth juz too smelly (oops, I am stereotyping...mayb i shd say not all guys mouth smelly, juz ur "you ren jia" mouth smelly). They juz like to say many bad things behind a girl and sometime it will make their female fren feel 反感 about their 口德....but it is mainly juz for ppl to listen and laugh and forget abt it.
Anyway, the ethical issue come in, mayb we shd not joke on another innocent human being juz because they are not handsome/pretty right?
As conclusion, I think ur "you ren jia" speak din use hs brain. He din really mean to heard or insult anyone. If you (or anyone reading the post)somehow feel not comfortable abt his 狂言...hope you guys can forgive his brainless speach (this remind me of some msia 部长 also always apology for thier 站蹲轮 or racist theory)
you ren jia
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