My 3rd poll has been closed since a few days ago. Someone feedback to me that I've set the opening period for my poll too short. Hehe... looking at my blog's traffic, I think he is right. Thanks for the feedback and I'll improve it. Now, let me write something about the 3rd poll.
Question: Do you know me?
5 out of 7 votes are from those who know me.
The other 2 votes are from someone who do not know me.
Seems like my blogs not only viewed by those who know me. Feel good to know that. ;P
When I was thinking about this question, in fact I asked myself what will I answer to this question. For myself, I might answer "No".
Sound a bit pathetic but I think that will be my answer. Hard to explain why but... this is also the reason why I did not write anything at the "about me" sections. Maybe I am just lazy to think of any suitable description to descript myself.
For those who know me, can you help me know more about me? Hehe...
5 days ago