生日之旅 - 瑟瑟初冬在巴黎
6 days ago
ask wei wei to kick u if u unable to wake up on time.
u seems like too stressful la...relax. like what first year electronics lecturer always say " electronics, no fear, no tear, even gong gia also know".
all the best later. Good Luck!!!
emm.. ask her kick ar, i sleep on the top of shui lian dong one wo.. later the whole shui lian dong collapse. :P:P
haha.. hopefully i not worse than gong kia.
yup, mayb because this is really my final last written test in NTU ba.
thx a lot
hey sis,don worry so much o,have a nice sleep 2nite!!
i'll pray pray 4 u de la,so don worry ya!!
emem,nw add "ham ba lang" oil 4 u la!!
good luck good luck good luck!!!
thx al, i will add all the oil u gv me. now i burn the midnight oil first (dunno is this the correct phrase to use, anything la..). ;p;p
thx all, the nightmare never happened. ;p;p
speaking out the nightmare will really break it. hehehe
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