Monday, December 22, 2008
Happy Holiday!!
Not that very super excited but just feel good to be able to have some time really relax myself from working mode.
Anyway, to those who will be having holiday also, Happy Holiday and enjoy your holiday.
To all, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!
Company shut down eve
Around me, in my section of abt 30 tables, there are only less than 5 people come to office. The colleague who sitting next to me told me that this is shut down eve syndrom. Haha...
Now, no mood to really do work. Feel like counting down to go back home. It's 940am now, which mean i still have 7 hrs and 50 minutes more to end my last day work of 2008. I am waiting...
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Poll #4: which day of the week do you like most?

When I post this poll, I actually ask myself the question. Which day of the week do I like most? As I like to do nothing at home or do something with less usage of my mind, I like off day (Saturday and Sunday) the most. hehe....
Let's see. Most of the people like Saturday the most. Quite understandable as for most of the people(working or studying) including myself, our off days per week are on Saturday and Sunday. Thus, one can do whatever you want in Saturday and not to worry about any work or study on the next day. I am in this group. ;p;p
For those who like Sunday the most, I am not very sure are these people work 6 days per week. Or maybe they have very meaningful Sunday, or could it be Sunday is the only day of the week that they can do something special(like meet with someone they admire or blah blah blah... hehehe)?
As for Friday, I guess I know who vote this day. If my guess is correct, the reason he chose Friday is similar to why most people chose Saturday as his work day is Sunday to Thursday. Am I right?
The way I see the results is something from my personal view. I guess most people will prefer off/free/no work/no study day, at least I am. Thus, the only vote which I can't think of any reason is the vote for Tuesday. Anyone can guess of any reason? Well, some people may like a particular day (although not an off day) for some particular reason like they will do some particular thing or join particular an event or meet a particular person on that particular day.
I guess my life is just too dull that make me like off day the most or maybe I placed rest (mentally and physically) as my first priority in this routine life.
SCSM 2008 Finishing Line
Monday, December 8, 2008
Searching SCSM 2008 result
But, I am stilll lazy to start working on it.
Guess what, I am searching for Kennysia's full marathon result in Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2008. What am I really doing? Sigh. Searching for someone's result yet I do not even know who this guy is. (except, I have read some of his blog as he is too famous as a blogger)
Completed 21.1km in 2:29:31 (chip time)

About 12K runners gathering at esplanade waiting for the flag off to start their 21.1km journey, and I am one of them.
With the attire ready, warm up ready, MP3 ready, my journey started at 6:30:52 (gun start time is 6:30:28).
Back track a bit, although I was ready with all the attire, warm up and MP3, I was not mentally ready for the run. This is not my first half marathon. My first and second half marathon was the Penang Bridge Run when I was still in JSHS. For those two run, I was consistently training before the run. However, I was not running/jogging/training/exercising for more than 2 months (at least) before yesterday. I kept thinking of reasons/excuses to not to leave my bed for the 21.1km yesterday morning. Sigh. I must be crazy the moment I registered myself in this marathon.
Back to the run, even though I am not well prepared, I forced myself to start running, continue to run and complete it. It was just a waste to pay S$40++ just for the adidas singlet. Also, I think the DJ said something which is correct, it's the courage to start the run more important. (something like that. hehehe)
Anyway, I am glad that I started the run. I am also glad that I remember to bring my MP3 with me this time. 21.1km is just way too long. Remember that my colleague said last year that it was pretty boring to run 42.195km. I was not quite get her last year. However, I am truely understand what she meant with that after the run yesterday. I need to reconsider my intention to take part in full marathon next year.
After 2h 29m 31s, finally I reached the finishing point. hehe... not too bad result. But still, there are rooms for improvement. You can view my result here or here. But please do not compare me to the champion who completed in 1:17:42, ok?!

For the 42.195km finisher t-shirt, I'll consider to take part in full marathon next year or maybe a few more years later. Anyone wanna take part together?
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Pre-Braces day 7
I was quite worry about the extraction. I fear of the pain after extraction. I fear of the feeling when I open my mouth for very long time and seeing the dentist put one after another tools in my mouth. I fear of the possibility that my tooth will be fractured inside during the normal extraction and need to walk to the next level for surgical extraction.
The whole process from the moment I see the dentist till I went out from the clinic is less than 20 minutes. The first 10 minutes, I asked her something. (ya, my Dr is a she. ask her before extraction just in case my mouth too swelling to talk.) The last 5 minutes is to do the payment. The 5 minutes in between include the time she injected the 麻醉药 to the area around the teeth to be extracted, the time she did her own stuff and preparation while waiting for the 麻醉药 to get effect, some time for... Anyway, what I trying to say is the time she extracted both of my teeth is like maybe less than 1 minute only. In short, she was very fast.
Emm.. a bit late now, 11sth pm now... Let me continue this post tomorrow. By the way, I will be meeting the Indian Dr tomorrow. He will help me put the metal on my lower teeth tomorrow. That will start my first day of brace day. Let's see how it go tomorrow. ;)
Monday, August 11, 2008
Pre-braces day 4
It is just don't feel good when I eat something which need to chew a lot. eg, meat, bread (some bread need to chew a lot) and etc. Anyway, I try my best to avoid those food. ;p
I received a SMS this morning. It was a appointment reminder from NDC (National Dental Centre). The reminder is to remind me on my appointment this Wednesday for the wisdom teeth extraction.
In fact, I wanted to reply them and tell them that I have not forgotten about this appointment ever since the moment I made this appointment.
Due to the way my wisdom teeth grow, the dentists (again there are many dentist viewing my case wherever I go) were telling me that it is still possible that they can perform normal extraction to extract my wisdom teeth. Only if the tooth got fracture inside during the extraction, they will send me to the surgical extraction.
My teeth looks scary, but the treatment to correct it sound more scary. Sigh...
May god bless me. Let them extract both the teeth smoothly and without leaving so much pain.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Pre-Braces day.
Since November last year, I started to go to NUH dental clinic (Clinic 2) for some dental check up. He is an undergrad dentist who going to grad very soon and have me as a patient for his FYP (final year project). I believe he has grad to become a dentist by now already.
During his check up (about 3 times), he took a few x-ray of my teeth. Front view, side view, inside view and etc. Can't imagine how much cell of my head/brain died during that period. ;p No wonder I found myself so forgetful since then. ;p (Still not forget to blame on other for my forgetfulness).
I saw my x-ray and have it with me now (need to loan it for wisdom teeth extraction). It looks damn scary. Dunno how to describe it. But you might be able to imagine it if you see my teeth. Just super very not align. Anyway, this is one of the reason I go for the Orthodontics treatment.
He also did a mold of both my upper and lower teeth. What I can remember from this is the moment he put the "mold mixture" into my mouth. The feeling is just so irritating and uncomfortable. It's like putting some mud inside the mouth (never try putting mud inside my mouth but this is what I think it would be the same feeling).
After the 3 appointments with this undergrad dentist, he started putting my name in the queue. Since then, I was just waiting for calls from someone who I do not know till few weeks ago.
He is an Indian postgrad dentist. During my first appointment with him, he asked me to have another 2 x-ray and did the mold of my teeth again. I don't like that mud in mouth feeling. Yet, due to my abnormal teeth + his skill, I need to have that mixture into my mouth 3 times to make upper and lower teeth mold with 1 time failure. Sigh...
From my first appointment with him, I realised that I have improper bite. Because of some measurement needed, he asked me to bite as per normal. I followed what he said but he asked me to bite again. He asked me, "Is this how you bite?". I said, "ya". He then holded my lower jaw and push them backward. He then said, "This is how you bite rite? When I ask you to bite next time, bite like this. Bite at the back."
Yesterday was the 2nd appointment with him. His professor and him were discussing about how to proceed for my case. As an outsider, I can see that his professor is a very experience and expert orthodontic dentist. When she came to my Indian Dr, a few of the other dentists came near us and stood there listen to what she said. They were whispering to each others and agreeing what she said. I had a feeling like I wasthe guineapig inside an aquarium under some kind of experiment and observation. One of them even asked me to show her how I bite. She said, "Bite. Bite at the back." Same bite requested.
After his prof has gone, he told me softly that his prof is an expert in this field. That's the reason he chose her to take care of my case as my case is a bit complicated and like what he said not that straight forward.
Ya, I myself agree that my case is a bit complicated. He explained to me what are some of the options I can consider like what I heard from the discussion between his prof and him. I started to do some research on the option he gave. Anyway, that would be a decision to be made not now but in few months time.
He put elastic band between my lower wisdom tooth and the tooth next to it. He put another elastic band at the other side also. That started my pre-braces treatment.
How I feel? I started to fear of the whole treatment. It's really uncomfortable to have something inside my mouth even though the band is just much much much smaller than 5 cents coin. Do not know how to describe the feeling.
This is just the 2nd day of the pre-braces day. He told me that he will start with putting the metal on my lower teeth next week. The upper side will only start few months later. The whole treatment should be around 2 years like that. Let's see how this diary will become in these 2 years time.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Super tired...
Anyway, just a recent update of myself.
Monday, July 7, 2008
It's Monday again...
I wonder since when, Saturday and Sunday like a bit too short for a good rest. In fact, most of my Saturday and Sunday are not for rest. They are pack with lots of activities.
Sometimes, I sleep till noon during the weekend before my activities start but still felt tired on Monday. To some people, this is more than enough rest. One of them would be the me in 7 years ago. But that has became history.
Sometimes I would think, is it because I am getting older that I need more rest? Or, is it because that I think I am older and I deserve more rest?
Perhaps, maybe I am too lazy and lack of exercise. Think this should be the reason.
Friday, June 27, 2008
The 101th post
You might start calculating the total number of the archive post and found that "hey, ai mei... where got 101 post?"
Haha.. You are right. There are less than 100 posts in the archive.
Since I started this blog, I used to think of any topics to write when I have time. Such as in the bus/train or sometime during working hour. oppps... shhh.. Keep it low. Don't let my boss know. ;p
However, due to my laziness, all the topics can end up in 3 different way.
1. remain in my brain. This happen most of the time due to the laziness.
2. write half way and save as draft without publish in the blog. Sound stupid to do so, but still I will stop half way.
3. published in my blog and read by all of you. This is the best ending if and only if I have the mood to finish the whole blog. ;p;p
Haha.. Anyway, congratulation to my blog for the 101th post I have.
Since this is the 101th post, let's me blow the candle and make a wish.
. . .
Hope that.... (ppl said wish won't come true if we say it out.)
Lastly, thanks to all my royal readers... If you have any suggestions or feedback on my blogs, welcome to do so. Thank you very much. ;)
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
The Donkey
The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do.
Finally, he decided the animal was old,
and the well needed to be covered up anyway;
it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey.
He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him.
They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well.
At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly.
Then, to everyone's amazement he quieted down.
A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well.
He was astonished at what he saw.
With each shovel of dirt that hit his back,
the donkey was doing something amazing.
He would shake it off and take a step up.
As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal,
he would shake it off and take a step up.
Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and happily trotted off!
Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt.
The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up.
Each of our troubles is a steppingstone.
We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, never giving up!
Shake it off and take a step up.
Remember the five simple rules to be happy:
1. Free your heart from hatred - Forgive.
2. Free your mind from worries - Most never happens.
3. Live simply and appreciate what you have.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less from people but more from God.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Monday Blue
It's another month after the last month meeting.
It's another tired day after yesterday.
Yes, it is true that I am very tired recently.
Particially due to unable to sleep well these few weeks.
Also, might be due to a bit over usage of my brain.
Every now and then, I can think of a lot of topic to post in my blog.
However, the moment I sit in front of my laptop, my brain just close the door from me.
Perhaps, the moment I sit in front of my laptop is getting lesser and lesser.
Is all these because of Monday Blue?
Will I have this feeling if today is Friday?
God knows.... ;P
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
就要拿公积金咯!但是孩子要出国读书--« 200千!
毕业=失业 , 工难找,最后找到一份只可以养活自己的工作。还是要住在家里。。。吃,交通。去的薪金的一大半。。所以只是意思意思的给RM100给父母做伙食费。。。
摆酒,婚礼,旅行。。。用了一大笔+母亲储蓄+ 我剩下的公积金
结婚了后,孩子很少会来了,忙着自己的家庭。。。偶尔假日才回来看看父母。。。每个月意思意思的给RM200 。孩子自己也困难了。要维持自己的家庭
孩子每个月意思意思的给多RM300,当着是孙子的伙食费 。。。
还是去不成了,妻子年级大了,病痛也多了。。。自己的腰骨也常闹别扭。。。医生说要多休息。。。孩子已经抱回孙子,每个月意思意思的给回RM300 伙食费
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
「我們來玩一個遊戲。現在大家想想看,過去這一 週,
一天過去了,兩天過去了,三天過去了….. ,
「對啊每天背著這些石頭來上課, 好累喔 」
「學習寬恕別人的過犯 ,
Made with ... 緣份是找到包容你的人
用心過好每一天.相信每天都是美好的一天 ;
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Poll #3: Do you know me?

Question: Do you know me?
5 out of 7 votes are from those who know me.
The other 2 votes are from someone who do not know me.
Seems like my blogs not only viewed by those who know me. Feel good to know that. ;P
When I was thinking about this question, in fact I asked myself what will I answer to this question. For myself, I might answer "No".
Sound a bit pathetic but I think that will be my answer. Hard to explain why but... this is also the reason why I did not write anything at the "about me" sections. Maybe I am just lazy to think of any suitable description to descript myself.
For those who know me, can you help me know more about me? Hehe...
Grad photos with family taken by using my K850i
The two person who brought me to the today me.
Dajie who purposely came back from KL for this photo taking.
My pretty sister, Ah 4.
My cutie sister, Eva.
Myself again, with a cool post.
Myself, acting cool again.
Final countdown: 15 hrs
I have been staying here for about one year plus. Although sharing with housemate, we still considered as own the whole unit, as in not staying with the owner. We have our freedom and space over here. Thus, you can imagine, how many things we can have over here with having the freedom to buy anything (as long as we have money) and the space to put all the stuff we bought.
This time round, due to some reason we need to move. As it's a bit hard to find housemate now, we decided to rent a room (to save money). With the help of housing agent, we found this place in Hougang, within 10-15 minutes walking distance from Hougang Mall. It is a common room (as in no attached toilet) and we will need to stay with the owner. This would mean less freedom and less space.
LESS SPACE!!! With all the stuff we have, we have been doing the throwing and packing since last few weeks. This throw, that throw, throw throw throw... We did throw a lot of stuff, but there are still have many bags of clothes, many boxes of comics and CDs as well as some other stuff. It is a tiring process. But it is good to have periodically cleaning.
Now, we almost done with all our packing. Waiting for tomorrow to come and officially move in to the new room we rent. How will everything be? We don't know. Hopefully, everything will go smoothly.
Here, I would like to thank to my cousin who helped me to move some of my stuff today. And for those coming to help tomorrow, thanks in advance.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Poll #2: Are you also a blogger?

From the result, it could show a few things:
1. All my readers are blogger. (direct interpretation)
2. Only bloggers read my blog.
3. Only bloggers read blogs.
4. Non-bloggers seldom read blogs.
5. Non-bloggers do not read my blog.
6. Non-bloggers too shy to vote as a non-blogger.
7. ....
Anyone has any other creative ways to interpretate this poll result?
In the mean time, it's time for me to think of the 3rd question.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
cough syrup+block nose tablet+phelgm tablet+antibiotic tablet=drownsiness
I was so act smart that I didn't take the medicine given by the doctor. Thinking that with a lot of water is sufficient enough.
Yesterday, I can't take it anymore. I went to see doctor and got myself some medicine (all stated in the subject, of course with my one day MC also). After a light breakfast, I became an obedient patient and took all the medicine with correct dosage.
The doctor doesn't lie. He told me that the medicine (cough syrup and block nose tablet) he gave me will cause drownsiness. They really work. After less than half an hour, I felt sleepy and fall asleep very soon. I slept for more than 4 hours, from about 12 sth to about 5 sth.
I wonder am I too tired after a few days trip back in Pg or due to the chemical reaction of the medicine that I slept for so long. However, I would say that I did feel better after the 4-5 hours rest.
Today, I took one set (all medicine except cough syrup) each after taken my breakfast and lunch in office. Since then, the only thing in my mind for whole day is, "I should have taken another day of MC today".
It's totally no fun become "sick cat".
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
5时正,我们抵达静思堂,那里的师姑师伯们给我们鞋袋和指示,比如鞋子该放哪里,我们该站哪里, 该怎么排,念经时该怎么走及怎么拜等等的。
想想平时,以车代步, 绕静思堂一圈不过几分钟的事,即使是普通漫步也不许太多时间。可是这天,我们花了几乎两个小时才能顺利地走完。
从中,我了解了一些事情。人生的道路,不会都是顺利,不过也不会都是不幸。偶尔,我的双膝跪的地方会是平地,但是偶尔会是砖块和砖块之间缝隙。虽然一路难走,而且还要走路下跪的,很多时候都有要放弃完成的念头,但是看着别人坚持的走,激发了自己也要坚持地继续走。就因为这点坚持,我完成了整个仪式, 总算功德圆满。
Trip back to Penang
Anyway, I have a list of task I need to do during this trip back home.
1. take grad photo with my family members (you read it correctly, I went back this time to take my graduation photos. Don't misunderstood it, I did graduated last year just did not take the photos till now. Thanks to my sisters, back from KL to take these photos with me. Thanks to my parents also cause they still smiling even though they were very tired. Need to thanks my youngest sister also. I felt good to have spent time with them doing this although the photo price very expensive. However, it would be better if we can have one more person with us. Miss her so much.)
2. vision check (if not wrong, my last check was two years ago.)
3. eat Pg food (yummy.. I waited so long to eat Pg food. I even prepared a list of "must eat food" in my mind. Pg char keow tiao, Pg hokkien mee, Pg wantan mee, Pg cendol, Pg ice kacang, mummy's homemade pig leg in vinegar, Pg laksa, Pg curry mee, Pg jawa mee etc... I managed to eat some of them but not all. Some people might think, "you can find most of them in Sg also ma". To this people, "you are wrong!!!" Sg food are no fight to Pg food. I think most of Penangites who stay here will agree with me.)
4. bring cookies back sg for my colleagues
5. bring some of my stuff back to bm (need to clear some of my stuff, cause need to move again soon.)
6. meet with some of my RC friends
Although I am very tired, not enough sleep, not enough rest throughout the trip, I still felt happy that I went back to BM.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
First poll result
After this one week, I finally got my first poll result.
Poll question: Which language do you prefer? (I mean for my blog)
Option: English, Chinese, Malay , Japanese (these are some of the languages I know)
Deng Deng Deng Deng......
Total number of vote: 3 (thank you the 3 of you very much. in fact, the 1st 2 votes were voted after I forced them to cast their vote. This shows my blog is very low profile.)
Highest vote: English with 2 votes (to thank the 2 of the 3 royal readers, I write this post in English)
2nd highest vote: Chinese
Lowest vote: Malay and Japanese (luckily no one vote for these 2 languages, wonder if I still manage to write a complete passage in these 2 languages)

Since this poll is closed, let me think of another poll question. Suggestions and ideas are welcomed. ;)
Friday, May 9, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
It's HOT!!!!!!!!!
Not mentally "hot" but is the weather.
How long can I stand this hot weather without air-con?
All, please save the earth, save yourself.
Be green.
Always be environmental friendly.
Opps.. since when I became so "green"?
Dunno. Just know that everyone effect count.
A man is a man, no matter how small.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Less than half an hour
In fact, I can have a reason. I am sick... Since last last Saturday till now still haven't recovered. Sigh... The virus in my body really like me too much.
Anyway, still have 23 minutes... Better get myself prepare for the meeting later. ;)
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Uncertainties.... Interesting???
Registered to the PAssion card early this year in Jan, thinking to join some of the courses in CC with cheaper member price. Was so enthu when the moment I paid for the PAssion card membership fees. (for those who know me well should know what will happen later. ;p) Drag..Drag.. Drag... Giving myself with a lot of different excuses. Thus, the first course (yoga) was signed up in March. Two months time for me to finally decide to sign up a course. Sigh.. I am so lazy.
Today, I went to the 2nd course (aerobics dance) for the 1st session. It was a tiring session but fun and exciting. To compare both Yoga and Aerobics, they are totally different. Yoga is soft and relaxing whereby Aerobics are more active and tiring. Yoga teacher told us to breath thru our nose only but not our mouth whereas the Aerobics teacher told us to breath in thru our nose and breath out thru mouth and nose.
Anyway, I really enoy going to both the classes, at least I have some work up every week.
But....... It seems like we shouldn't have a stable life. The moment I found myself in a more stable and settled down life, I got a bad/good news of the day. In short, I might need to move again. Hai... It is bad because it is really not that fun to move every few months. Tiring, time consuming, giving headache and also hurt the wallet. It might be good because we can change to a new place which might be more convenient to us (work and go kai kai).
Hai... Life is full of uncertainties, which make life more interesting.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Seems recovering but getting serious
1st attack: sausage lips (again.. sien....)
2nd attack: sore throat
3rd attack: fever
4th attack: cough
5th attack: runny nose
When can they stop attacking me?????
MC yesterday, thought recovering soon.
Work today, think I might need another day of MC.
Please all drink more water and rest more....
After working, I started to think of what is my job satisfaction and what is my motivation. Bonus? Increment? They are for sure a form of motivator, but they are better to be considered as the hygiene factor. Hygiene factor is the factor where having it might not motivate you, but without it might demotivate you. As for me, I sure happy when given bonus or increment. However, they are something given to everyone. Thus, the happy and joyful feeling left very soon. (left very soon better than being demotivated. hehehe..)
Today, I realised a great form of job satisfaction and excellent motivation. They are the "Acknowledgement". I can't really describe how great it is being acknowledged by someone especially your boss, but it really feel good and nice and refreshing and.... It is like after some hard work (maybe not very hard or maybe it's really hard), someone see it and appreciate it. And you know what you have been doing is something worth-doing. This is also like a guide for the direction and path forward.
Not good in describing. Anyway, I am just very happy and energised. Thanks boss. I'll keep my promise as to continue work harder and looking forward to the next acknowledgement. ;p
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
有点夜了,明天继续。。。。 ;p
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Oh god... I am really hungry...
Before I start writing this post, I was reading someone's blog. He is a "food hunter". He do not know he got such a name cause I just creater it for him 5 seconds ago... His blog is all about the foods he ate with some of his comments. In fact, I should add another word in front, "rich food hunter". He had been flied to quite a lot of places in 3 months time. California, Japan, Thailand, Hong Kong etc... Reading his blog made me more hungry. And so, I decided stop reading for a while and write on my own blog.
It seems doing something else do not distract myself from the starving feeling. I am gonna find something to eat now.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
This word has been used in my msn nick for a few days already. A few of my friends ask me why am I so shag.
My reply to them is, there are quite a few issues came to me these few days. A bit lost to do not know how to handle them properly. That make me think of what cause me so lost.
1. I am too "cincai" with most of the things for the past. Seems like i seldom take things serious. Neither studies nor life. For studies, as long as can pass it's enough and don't bother to understand more detail or remember them after exam. For life, don't bother to learn anything (other than what i learn from school) seriously.
2. I was too used to the "tao bi" way of solving problem. In fact, the problem never solved with this stupid and coward method.
And so, i told myself these are some of the bad habit which shouldn't have on me. From now on, I must not be so "whatever" style. When learn somethings, really need to learn by heart. I started with paying S$50 for the yoga class. I told myself that i must not skip any of the class. If possible, practice them at home. Good start har?? ;p;p
As to how to throw away the bad habit of "tao bi", still thinking of a more practical solution. But currently, I think solving the issues i met in my work can be considered as part of the training to face problem. Any suggestions?
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
刚才搭巴士回家的途中,站在我前面的是一群JC(Junior College)的学生。从他们的外表与谈吐看到他们年轻的样子,也看到他们年轻的心态。
想想自己有点老了, 和他们差不多年龄已是几年前的事情了。该算是中六的那两年吧。
放弃题目。这是考PA的时候吧。记得PA有一题是画graph的, 应该是20分的题目。也不知道自己是为什么的,看着题目,脑海里就是没有哪个冲动要把它给做完。结果就左摸摸,右摸摸,考试时间还没结束就已经没有了20分。还好,其他的做得还不错,还可以及格。总成绩来说,还满意的。。 哈哈。。
错一题。这其实没什么值得高兴的。STPM Trial Exam 的时候,我的Physic选择题50题里就只错了一题。听起来好像很不错,有些朋友还来不及做完所有的题目,而我竟有时间重检几次。其实啊,50 题都是往年的考题。而当时的我,“努力”到做了很多年的测试(随朋友复印了很多,不做很浪费),这50题我几乎都做过了。竟然还有落网之鱼,真是的。。。
除了疯狂的,也有烂的。记得有一个英文测试(MUET),好几个朋友一次就靠了个Band 5(1 最差,6最好)。而我,靠了两次还是3此才"成功"考到Band 4。 真差劲。。。。